World MS Day

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Every year on the last Wednesday in May, the world comes together to celebrate World MS Day.

Multiple Sclerosis is one of the most common neurological disorders. It is one of the leading causes of disability in young adults. Although 2.3 million people have been diagnosed with MS worldwide, it is still widely misunderstood, and it is likely that hundreds of thousands of cases remain undiagnosed.

APDM is here to help you understand Multiple Sclerosis, and help monitor progression of the disease with Mobility Lab.

What is Multiple Sclerosis? 

MS is a disease in which the immune system destroys the protective covering around nerves called myelin.

What is the cause of MS? 

Unfortunately, there is no known cause of MS.

Who gets MS?

Those diagnosed with MS are most commonly women between the ages of 20 and 40. Around twice as many women are diagnosed than men.

What are the symptoms of MS?

Symptoms of MS can range from fatigue, vision problems, pain, and mobility issues. Those with MS can possess a tremor, muscular cramping and spasms, difficulty changing movements or walking, muscle rigidity and weakness, overactive reflexes, and balance issues. Balance issues can lead to falls, and things like muscle rigidity and weakness can lead to immobility and contribute to lack of confidence and social isolation.

MS does not only have an impact on those with the disease. Hundreds of thousands of people care for those with MS, and their lives are affected indirectly.

How is MS treated? 

Unfortunately, there is no cure for MS. However, treatment can help alleviate symptoms, provide for a more stable and healthy life, and slow progression of the disease. Physical Therapy can improve strength and muscle function, and tracking mobility is one way to gauge intervention response and therapy results.

To find out more about MS and what you can do to help, visit the MS International Federation website. 

To find out more about objectively measuring mobility, visit APDM’s Gait and Balance page. 

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